Monday, March 16, 2015

Letter #27 03/16/15

What has been going on with you?  Tell me a bit about your companion.  Where is she from? how long has she been serving?  Is there anyone that you are teaching?  How is the language coming? -Mom
how is your companion? do you like her? -Megan

Okay, okay, okay.. #questions4days. HI. Here I am, emailing once again. Apologizes for last week, I went a little too hard emailing random humans and forgot the importance of the general family email. Perdoname, por favor? :*

What's been going on with me? The past two weeks have been nuts town crazy so much learning and growing and feeling completely inadequate and crying because the gospel is BEAUTIFUL and these people are incredible and just the opportunity to be here. Meet them. LOVE them. Is unreal. I never leave a lesson without professing my love for these humans because there's just so much of it. People are so neat. 

My companion? Is quite possibly the most incredible human that ever lived. Get this: She grew up in Turkey and was baptized in the Mediterranean Sea, she bit off her upper lip once.. um, yeah. She's just really cool. And also SUCH a good missionary. Like, she's teaching me so much sometimes I feel like a little missionary baby again but the gratitude is so real. She's been out for a year on the 26th and is known throughout the mission as the "trainer of thousands, mother of millions". She's living the sister missionary version of the Abrahamic covenant, her prosperity never ends. 

Is there anyone you are teaching? YES. Yes, yes, yes. We have two main families that we're teaching, and a lot of really solid potential investigators. The work here is super dreamy.
La familia La/Ben, are the super stars of the century. Past missionaries started teaching the two girls, L who is like 14 and K who's 11, so they're practically pros and know all of the lessons by heart. Hna Kingsley and her previous companion invited the mom to learn and she comes to church now, and this Saturday night the cute little grandma who occasionally joins but never participates actively participated and we invited their uncle C and he is basically GOLD. We have faith that he could turn out to be a three week miracle, like he came to church yesterday and LOVED it. They are just so magical and the spirit is always SO strong as they learn. We taught all of them again last night and the little abuelita just kept saying, "Ya know, i'm gonna ask for work off so I can come to church this week.." MIRACLES, man. And I really feel like a lot of the miracle came from having a beautiful member with us. Two young white girls can come into your house and, meh.. but when a young mother from Peru comes in and shares how she gained a testimony and how it changed her world, people are so much more apt to listen. 

Iris ..the tiny name does not do her beautiful self or her beautiful story justice. SHE IS OUR BEST PAL. Ah, love her so mucho. She never ever let missionaries in before, but she was going through a really hard time and feels like we're little angels. We talked about it in our last lesson and she just cried. She is currently separated from her husband with a little boy named Isiah and she really feels like the gospel is the light at the end of the tunnel.. and it IS! In every single dark time we go through, the gospel, the hope of God's promises, are always that light. We can brave any storm or wind, knowing that he's gonna get us through- because He will. 
#gospelrambles.. but ANOTHER beautiful thing. We've heard about her sister that lives down the street but doesn't want to meet with us like SO much, and on Saturday we stopped by to surprise Iris, invited her sister to join us, and she came! And it was awesome. AND they both came to church yesterday! And her sister (Vi) cried in Relief Society and we all joined her and it was the happiest thing. 

ALSO miracles for DAYS. 

1) We invited a random group of teenage boys playing soccer in the street to come play voleibol with the ward on Friday night, and one actually came and brought his older brother (single adult- woop woop!) and also TWO of our potential single adult investigators came and we ended up having more investigators than members.. haha. We took the opportunity to teach the restoration and give a church tour and it was super happy.
2) We went exploring 'the edge' of our area that missionaries have never gone to before and found a.. wait for it... TRAILER PARK. Spanish missionary gold mine, I tell you! We were driving through this ritzy foresty neighborhood for DAYS, our hearts were depressed, we were about to turn back.. turn the corner and.. BAM. It was like we had reached the promised land. 

Odds 'n' ends:

* We met a guy from Afghanistan street contacting the other day and.. he kissed each of our foreheads at least three times and then proceeded to kiss me on the eyeball. BUT it was all worth it because he actually came to church! Haha. 
* I would just like to formally apologize for making roughly three too many really terrible/cheesy scripture references throughout this email. 

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