Monday, March 2, 2015

Letter #26 03/02/15

And, what do you know?  Hermana Clark my trainer, and Hermana Flitton my MTC companera are both serving in the ward too. haha.  So every Hermana here has been my companion at on point.  #familyrenion

A whole new worrrlllldddddd!  Once upon time in the land of Crewe, VA, Hermanas Yost and Thompson were going over their lessons and plans for the day (Tuesday) before they made the trek up to Amelia. All of a sudden, their phone buzzes. Who could it be? Hermana Yost looks down, and sees that it is the zone leaders. She slides the keyboard up, opening the text that reads something along the lines of..

"Hey, Hermana Yost is getting transferred. Hurry and pack up your entire life in two seconds, okay?"

..And I was like, what??!?! After a moment of complete shock, I break into straight sobs. We call the ZL's, and they explain it all. Basically, on Saturday night the assistants to the presidents had somehow forgotten to call us, so when President called our name at transfer meeting on Tuesday, we obviously weren't present and.. yes. Frijoles locos, my friends! They then told us that Hermana Thompson was getting transferred too, and it was just the craziest thing. So we had 3ish hours to pack up our entire lives and try to clean up our house the best we could and call members and investigators and get it all figured out for the missionaries taking over the area and... whoaaaa. There was many a nervous laugh and many many a tear shed. Haha. They've got to at least know me well enough to understand that my stress/anxiety levels COULD NOT take a transfer surprise. But alas, it happened.

Learning to make paposas!  So good!  This is the life my friends! Oh and HI this is La Hma Kingsley

The sweetest of all the Macheca girls, Liana and Aixa!  I love their family so! :)

So, here I am. Residing in.... WOODBRIDGE, baby! Woop woop x3,000. The Potomac River (Spanish speaking) WARD. I quite literally feel like I'm in El Salvador right now. Minus the snow, and the super nice houses and all things American, when I look around me at any given moment, regardless of where I am, EVERYONE is Hispanic. It's NUTS!  This city is like 60% hispanic or something ridiculous. I can't even describe what it has done to my heart. It's thrown me for the biggest loop EVER. Like, I don't even remember how to be a missionary, haha. But the merciful thing about that is, I'm serving with..

La Hermana Kingsley! The queen bee of all the mission. She is such a champion. Like, I just sit in lessons with my mouth gaping open like, uhhh.. just keep talking forever, haha. I've learned SO much from her already. 

How I feel to be here in the Wood Hood! :)

How Hermana Kingsley feels to have me here.

I don't really have super tons else to say, except for the fact that, HI. Heavenly Father is SO SO merciful. He really does deliver us in our times of trial. He wants us to be happy and if we endure the rough stuff well (or even not so well sometimes #yikes) He will give us more than we could ever wish for. His love is SO real and He wants to see our dreams come true. 

God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe.

I love Him and I LOVE you guys. And I love spanish sososososo much. Keep trucking along through the ups and downs of life. They will ALWAYS come, but just as God reached out in love once again with the restoration of the gospel, He will ALWAYS reach out, pull us up and out of the hard times and give us something greater.


La Hermana Yost <3

Odd's and End's-

* A cute lady in Relief Society passed around a tupperware of baby marshmallows yesterday, so.. haha.

* Hermana Kingsley and I are working on a SINGLE ADULT program here in the ward. My YSA dreams are being fulfilled!

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