Thursday, July 30, 2015

Letter #42 07/27/15

Bears, getting 'beat up' and I just couldn't be happier.....

... we got in a car crash is all. In case you were thinking I actually got beat up in the streets of downtown Richmond or something. Haha.   (I really wish she would have given me more info about the car crash!)

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Rebecca Yost <> wrote:
I've FINALLY made it. I am a true missionary.

I have seen the Atonement/Gospel of Jesus Christ change someone's life. 

I feel like for a good portion of my mission I saw miracles, met neat people, helped people make covenants with their Heavenly Father, but when others would talk about this night and day difference they were able to witness with their investigators my experience in that area came up short. I yearned to see this evidence of something I knew to be true and real. 

And then we met S. 

As we sat with her in her cute little living room, talking about the spirit and her new found ability to tap into it's power and receive more light, we all kind of stopped. It hit me that this spirit has helped her to find this 180 turn around in her life. It has only been THREE weeks and the old S has slowly been molded into this peaceful, beautiful, trusting human and I cannot handle. 

It hasn't been without struggles, of course. Like Friday night when she called us as we drove home and raised some concerns. We were able to pull over and, although I was having a hard day and feeling a little bit distant from the spirit, the atonement of Jesus Christ came to light in my own life as I was able to teach and testify over the phone and we all cried. I don't know if I've ever felt a stronger spirit than that spirit in the car that day.

 She came to church again yesterday and just GLOWED. She practically led gospel principles class with her new found testimony. She decided to sit away from us in Relief Society and 'still enjoyed it'. The spirit was the same. This was huge for her as she's doing all that she can to make sure that this is something that she is doing for her and her relationship with God. She attended a baptism afterward, even though everything was telling her not to. We had a beautiful font-side lesson where the spirit came again and testified to her that this was right. Her daughter, Z looked at her mom and said, "I think you're ready" and then thanked Heavenly Father in her closing prayer that they have been led to this path of happiness. 


Grateful doesn't even begin to describe it, but it's so good to be here. 
Meeting people I never would have as an Hermana pura.

Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need. 

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