Monday, February 9, 2015

Letter #23 02/09/15

Still grateful to be living, breathing and missionary-ing

Q- "Um hello!! You can't just tell me you had a gun pulled on you and not give more details!! Haha. What in the heck happened? I guess that is what happens in the back woods of Virginia, huh??"

A- Um, actually, I can.. and I did. ;) Just joking, of course! I'll give you the short version of a pretty short story. It was like 8:00 and we had this idea like, 'Let's go contact one of the 300 inactive people on our branch roster!' and so we went. And, as we were driving I saw some ¡hispanics! in the laundromat and felt like we should go talk to them, but then Hermana doesn't really dig the talking to random people game, so we kept driving and pulled into the driveway of this less active human. She told me she felt nervous. We debated going and knocking for a little bit, I responded with something like unto, 'I always feel nervous. Let's go!' and so we prayed and got out of the car. As we got out, a guy opened the door and was like, "HEY!" and I was like, "Heyyyyyy!" And he was like, "DON'T HEY ME, WHO ARE YOU?!" And I was like, "We're the missionaries! How are you?" and he was like, "YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE THE WRONG HOUSE BECAUSE I WAS ABOUT TO.." ..and procedes to show us his rifle in hand. And then he told us to get off his property. And we told him that we were sorry and to have a nice night and he slammed the door.         
        We tried to call the phone number to apologize, cause I'm sure we just spooked them, but it had been disconnected. So there you have it. 


Was pretty crazy.

I got to go on an exchange with cute Sister Wilson to.. drumroll.. CLOVERHILL! The beauty beauty suburbs of Richmond that I just love so much. It's always a breath of fresh air to leave the country and go to the city, hahah. Everyone thinks i'm so spoiled here. Not true! But aside from it being in Clover Hill, it was just the happiest because Sister Wilson is the hero of my transfer! It's so neat to see how well God knows and loves us, because my first two transfers were basically a mirror image of Sister Jones', one of the Sister Training Leaders, and Sister Wilson, the other, had a companion who struggled a lot and ended up going home early at this time in her mission too. So the two of them combined understand a good majority of what's going on. It really puts into perspective how PERFECTLY well our Savior knows each of us, having gone through the exact same thing. 

The exchange was everything I needed! We got to find and find and find, and knock knock knock up and down apartments and it was so happy! One cool miracle that we saw was that, as we were tracting in this neighborhood, we ran into a guy named Worth. He was picking up his two daughters from their mom's house, and we got to teach the three of them a restoration lesson outside in the bitter cold. After, he said, "that just HAS to be true!" and the spirit there was so strong. When talking about a return appointment, he said he didn't live in Cloverhill area.. but he lives in AMELIA! My area. So we get to keep teaching him. It was so cool how we found him the one night I was there. Also, got to teach their way cool investigator from the Netherlands, Adrian. Seriously the coolest guy! His wife is a member and he has been giving the missionaries a hard time for like 18 years.. but things have just clicked now! The Lord prepares people! It just gives me loads of hope for all the investigators I've loved but just weren't prepared yet. He's getting baptized on the 23rd and I'm so excited to bring our investigators!

It's cool to see how the work continues to progress here. This week, we had more member present lessons than other lessons, which was a super neat thing to see! When I first got here, member present lessons were like THE BIGGEST treat, and now they are relatively normal. It's cool to see the difference they make in the lives of the people we teach. Sometimes it goes way crazy wrong, bless their hearts, but it always ends right. A member's testimony means like 40x more than ours, haha. Offer your fellowshipping assistance! I know that blessings come. 

So, while we were on our exchange, Hma T and Sister Jones visited Nancy.. and I guess things were way weird. Like, she just didn't want to come to church. We visited her again last night, brought Sister Watts from the branch, and the lesson was INCREDIBLE. We talked a lot about her testimony and watched The Restoration video. The spirit ruled and she is so prepared and ready. She opened up about how she doesn't want to go to church because she doesn't feel worthy because she's struggling to quit smoking.. we promised her that as she comes to church she will feel the strength to quit. She is so solid. I love her so much! We just have this connection, and I'm so grateful I was given the opportunity to find her. And Sister Watts being there changed things! She's buying her an outfit for church and I just know they will become such wonderful pals. 

Other than that, things just keep going. Still so grateful. Still counting my blessings. Still loving it all, I know that, just as the savior comforted His apostles and calmed the sea, he can calm the storms inside of us. I am so grateful for the sweet peace he offers me each and every day. His atonement is the realest thing we've got, and it has the power to change our lives, to change our worlds. He IS hope!

Love love love y'all. 

<3 Hermana Yost

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