Friday, August 28, 2015

Letter #46 08/24/15

He is at the helm. ⛵️

My, my, my.. I have learned so much this week. It has just been a
really crazy time, with meeting all kinds of new people and seeing
lots of interesting things and also miracles and then I just don't
really know.

Sometimes it's really easy to forget that the mission and life and
everything really isn't about you. And it has little to nothing with
what you do. Like we've got to do our part but everything good comes
from God and he always makes us into what we need to be.

It's a little bit of a struggle, that even now, 11 months into my
mission I still am constantly battling this fight in my heart between
trusting in myself and trusting in God. I know that trusting in God is
always the better decision but it's so easy to forget that. I was
reading today in Mark chapter 6 where the disciples have just
witnessed this incredible miracle of Jesus Christ feeding 5000 people
with five loaves and two fishes and still just moments after, they're
frightened when they see him walking on water. Life has a way of
hardening are hearts, but God has a way of consistently showing I
asked that he is here to soften them. We studied this talk in relief
society yesterday. It touched my heart so hard.

Brothers and sisters, seeing and believing the Lord's miracles in establishing His kingdom on earth can help us see and believe that the Lord's hand is a work in our own lives as well.  The Lord declared, "I am able to do mine own work." We each try to do our part, but He is the grand architect.  Under the direction of His Father, He created the world.:  All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made."  As we are spiritually awake and alert, we see His hand across the world and we see His hand in our own personal lives.
So this week was just a sum total of little baby miracles that didn't seem like much but, in retrospect, the Grand Architect is definitely at work.

✨ S had a really interesting dream about angels and baptisms and she was really confused about it. She was asking us to interpret it and I was so wishing that I had the skills of Joseph or at least his Technicolor dream coat because I had nothing. She had been reading from 1 Nephi 10 to words of Mormon for an answer to her question about her dream and she didn't find anything. She stopped reading, and was super frustrated that the Lord didn't give her an answer after so much work. As we sat there trying to figure out what we should say, sister McNeely flipped open her book of Mormon, knowing that should because answer must be close to where she was reading. She opens to a scripture in Mosiah 4:11.. Just flips open and.. WOW. 

Just wow. The spirit hit us all like a ton of bricks. God is so good.

Also, how many of us have been THAT CLOSE to the answer of our lives and just stop reading?

✨ We were visiting less actives, doing some work at our ward mission leader had assigned us, and had had a nice evening. We were leaving to go to an appointment, when we saw this guy working outside a cool old vintage wooden trailer. As we drove past I felt impressed to stop. So we stopped and went to talk to him. Turns out he is so so prepared. His name is J and we had such a wonderful talk with him. He has felt very strongly that he is ready to be baptized soon, but wanted to do it right. We went back and visited him later this week and he kept talking about how he knows us. He said that he has met us before on the bus or something, but we haven't been here in Virginia long enough, because this was a couple of years ago. We are sure that we have met him before (hello pre mortal life) and we were able to testify to him that he has been prepared for this moment for a really long time. We are excited to continue teaching him.

✨ last night we were so tired that we were going to die. I had been feeling sick all day and sister McNeely was super tired. It was like 850 and we easily could have gone home, but we wanted to work all the way up until the end of the night. As we walked around this apartment complex talking to people outside, we decided to go visit one potential named Jas on the way to her house three ladies by a car stopped us. One of them called out to us and asked us if we were the missionaries that had visited them weeks previously. It turns out that she had been in a car accident the day we visited and couldn't meet with us, but really wanted to let us in. The next lady has attended church before with family members and their other friend has seen our commercials on TV. They were all way way excited to meet with us again. It was so cool to see that as we offered up everything we had the Lord made our night into what it needed to be and blessed with a miracle. I'm so grateful.

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