Monday, August 17, 2015

Letter #45 08/17/15

Hi, so I watched the age change announcement the other morning and completely lost it. It was the weirdest thing. Like, that was me.. now this is REALLY me. I'm a missionary. I am the me I envisioned when I heard those words leave President Monson's mouth. This is real. It's just those tender mercies when God reminds you that, in spite of all the craziness and sweat and emotional eating and worry and concern, that really, truly, there's nothing better. 

And I'm grateful. 

BUT OKAY. I've just been blown away this week by all the things I've learned. Miracle number one of course has to do with S because she's the number one miracle of my entire existence but ANYWAYS. We had our last lesson with her before she went to DC (only for the weekend that felt like a lifetime!) and it was so wonderful. We talked about family history and the responsibility of first generation members. The spirit was strong. As we left, she invited us back at seven to pick up a pizza, but when we went back she was.. different. Like, she was feeling way sick and she was the July 4th S that we met in our first lesson. It was so weird. She was just super discouraged and down again. We were way worried and Sister McNeely being the queen bee spirit follower that she is asked S if she'd like a priesthood blessing.. she gladly accepted and so we scrambled to find some men from the ward.. Heavenly Father led us to find some willing to come at that exact moment and they gave her the sweetest blessing..

.. She opened her eyes, and she was COMPLETELY changed again. Like 100% her new self again. She was just floored and kept saying, "I feel like I can conquer the world!" .. It was incredible. Priesthood power is REAL. God's power is on the earth and he lets us partake in the beautiful blessings of his perfect love. 

Also oh my heavens

Okay, so on Thursday we received this GOLDEN referral from the Crozet sisters. For this guy named J that they found and put on date for baptism and all this good stuff! And they had a return appointment with him for Saturday at 2:00. So we get this awesome member to come with us, knock on his door and..... not there. Boo. So we're like, what do we do now? Turns out he lives right by this lady named D.. the story of D is that

each week our mission president sends out these miracles that different companionships send him throughout the mission. And one was this former investigator that they found named D that was super prepared.. after reading it I just couldn't really get the name out of my head and I just kept feeling that there was a D in our area book that needed us. So ANYWAYS we'd been trying to contact her for centuries but, no luck. But, our appointment was no good, so we went to her home. We parked, prayed, look up and there's D walking up the street. We immediately recognize her as the human we were looking for.. We start to talk with her and she told us all about her sisters that would come visit but that she was SO tired from work (and she was) and didn't think we should talk today.. as she started to walk inside something just clicked and she was like, "Actually, yes! Come share something with me!" and so we go to her little covered porch, sing, and before we can even pray she starts into this story about how two bretheren from our church came and gave her a blessing when she was learning in 2012 and how literally EVERY single good thing that's come into her life.. being able to keep her house, her husband getting out of jail, has come through the power of that blessing! Then she cried. And told us that she's been praying and knows it's not a coincidence that we're back. And the spirit was incredible. And, needless to say, God knows His children. And also, round two for priesthood power. Grateful again! 

Also, post script note to the whole situation.. we found out that J got home not two minutes after we left! And basically, it was all just perfect. There are no coincidence's in our Heavenly Father's plan. His love is all encompassing and He cares about the little things. He loves us!

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