Monday, June 22, 2015

Letter #37 06/22/15

My cute comp and our step mom, Hermana Kingsley.  Being a Spanish Missionary
is so fun because the companion family tree is all intertwined.

The place in which I live. #treehugger #HeavenlyFatherknowsus perfectly
This week was completely 100% without question the weirdest one I've
had as a missionary ever ever. Every single day we would come home and
say, that was the most random completely crazy weird day that we have
ever had.. And then the following one beat it.

We got to spend our weekend basking in the beauty of meeting after
meeting with Elder Perkins of the quorum of the 70 and his incredible
wife! I learned so so so much, my head and heart is so full of the
love and also of the expectations that our Father in Heaven has for
us. He is able and willing to do His part in helping us succeed, but
we have to be willing to seek to understand and DO His will. But as we
do that, we become the humans that he created us to be. He did not
create us to fail, but to succeed gloriously! And He is there every
step of the way.

And I've gotta living proof! So yesterday was stake conference, but
before the meeting Elder Perkins held a short q&a meeting for recent
converts, investigators and returning members. We had two
investigators that were coming, Saul and Carlos, but at 9:00 neither
of them had shown up.  So we head into the meeting when we realize
that nobody has set up translation equipment for the main meeting! So
we run and do that and by the time we're done it's like 9:15 and
they've started the meeting and we feel awkward walking in. So we go
back to greet some early comers in the chapel when we go talk to this
awesome member, who tells us that we should just go into the meeting
and that it'll be okay. But we walk by the door and still feel weird.
So we decide to go outside and see if our investigators are maybe
waiting out there, but we can't see their cars so we decide to say a
quick prayer. As we open our eyes, who pulls in but a recent convert,
Victor, and his roommate, Abel... An investigator we haven't been able
to teach all week!! Okay, way cool. So we walk into the meeting late
with them and not two seconds after we walk in the question is asked
about how someone can know if they're ready to receive the Melchesidek
Priesthood.. The EXACT thing that Victor has been struggling with. Can
you say 'the Lord's timing'?! It was just incredible to see how it all
panned out. If we had gone into the meeting on time, they wouldn't
have known where it was being held and would have missed it. I cannot
and will not every get over how perfectly God knows His children.

I am so grateful to be serving at this time. A Mother Teresa quote for
good measure:

I am just a little pencil in the hands of a writing God who is sending
a love letter to the world. 

I'm so grateful to be that little pencil! His hand really is in every
aspect of our lives. I love Him!

♻️ Hermana Yost

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